blind contour drawing of four faces drawing with ink

Blind Contour Drawing: An Exercise to Sharpen Your Artistic Skill

Have you struggled to capture the essence of your subject in a drawing? The blind contour drawing exercise is the answer and a great way to practice sketching and shading without looking at what you’re doing. This exercise will force you to focus on the lines and curves of your subject while also giving you

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A digital artist working on his computer developing a concept art

What is Concept Art and Why You Should Learn It?

Concept art is developing a visual representation of an idea, usually to illustrate or explain it. You can use concept art in many creative industries, including video games, movies, animation, and comics. Learning concept art is important because it helps you develop your ability to visualize ideas, which can be helpful in any creative field.

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black and white sketch with calendar and foreground written Sketch daily

How do you Sketch Daily to Create a Routine?

It’s no secret that the daily sketching routine benefits artists of all levels. Many professional artists credit their regular sketching habits with helping them achieve their current level of success. So what’s stopping you from starting to practice your sketch daily? Maybe it’s fear of the unknown or uncertainty about where to start. Or perhaps

How do you Sketch Daily to Create a Routine? Read More »

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