
This category contains post related to artist and all information which a reader will be interested to know about an artist.

Compartive image of an artist painting on easel and a potter making a pottery.

What is the Difference Between an Artist Vs Artisan?

An artist is usually more concerned with self-expression, while an artisan primarily focuses on creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing object. Artisans are also called craftsmen.

An artist tends to have more creative freedom, whereas an artisan must balance creativity with the practicality of the final product.

An artist’s work is often more subjective and abstract, while an artisan’s work is generally more objective and straightforward.

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A graffite artist spraying paint on the wall, importance of an artist

Why are Artist Important, and What is their role in Society?

Most people think of artists as people who make pretty things. While it’s true that many artists do create beautiful objects, their work often goes far beyond that. Artists are important because they express ideas and emotions that wouldn’t otherwise be communicated. They help us better understand our world and ourselves and can inspire change.

Why are Artist Important, and What is their role in Society? Read More »

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