two images side by side first image of drawing and second image of sketching

What is the Difference Between Drawing and Sketching?

Most of us are confused when using the terms’ drawing’ and ‘sketching.’ Many times, we use these terms without even knowing their real meaning. So, what is the difference between drawing and Sketching? The fundamental difference between drawing and Sketching is that drawing is a more detailed process resulting in stunning pieces of Art that

What is the Difference Between Drawing and Sketching? Read More »

Picture of different mediums of art of drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic desiging and origamy

What Are the Different Mediums of Art in the Artworld?

Art is a form of expression, either vocal or visual, and the term Medium is synonymous with communication. Art medium refers to the art materials used in art creation or the technique one uses to communicate artistic expression.   The ancient man communicated his expression through cave drawings from then to now, and art medium

What Are the Different Mediums of Art in the Artworld? Read More »

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