lettering made with pen written continuous line drawing

How to create Simple Artwork with Continuous Line Drawing

Continuous Line Drawing is art made without lifting the pen or pencil from the paper until the artist completes his artwork.  You can create simple and beautiful artwork using the continuous line drawing technique. This concept is minimalism in artwork without too much complication with only lines. The line in the drawing is not disconnected […]

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Background pencil portrait and on the top a mechanical pencil with caption Drawing with Mechanical Pencil

Why Drawing with Mechanical Pencil is Good for a Beginner?

When most people think of drawing and sketching, they automatically think of using a wooden pencil. After all, it’s the traditional medium used by artists for centuries. But there are several reasons why you might want to switch to using a mechanical pencil instead. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of its usage for

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Two images left side image an lady artist painting depicting art and right side a lady sewing depicting craft

What are the Difference Between Arts and Crafts?

Arts and Crafts are used synonymously by many people. But there are differences between arts and crafts, and understanding and using them appropriately will benefit you. A critical difference between arts and crafts is art involves more creative work, while craft gets done using more handwork and less creativity. For our purpose, we shall stick

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