Oil painting and on the top written foreground in art and a picture of a hand sketching

What is Foreground in Art and Why is it so Important?

An art composition refers to elements arranged within a given art space. Artist uses different techniques to create a sense of depth within their work. The most common ways to create depth are the Foreground, middle ground, and background. The Foreground sets the stage for everything in the artwork and is the first thing that […]

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A street corner depicting threepoint perspective

Three-Point Perspective Drawing: Make Awesome Realism in Art

A Three-point perspective is a linear perspective drawing that uses three vanishing points, thus creating an illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. Artists often use this technique to create convincing scenes with tall buildings or other structures. The concept is more complex than a simple two-point perspective, but it’s not difficult to create a

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An artist tracing a picture of a lady with a mechanical pencil

Is Tracing a Drawing Cheating?

Tracing in art creates a complex debate with compelling arguments on both sides. For many artists, especially beginners, tracing seems like an easy way to create beautiful drawings without needing as much skill or effort. However, more experienced artists often view tracing as “cheating” that hinders the development of fundamental drawing abilities. Where does the

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a lady storyboard artist explaining the scene to the director

How to become a StoryBoard Artist? (Rewarding Career You Need)

Storyboard artists are the people who create sketches and drawings which tell a story. They know how to draw, read scripts, and write and illustrate pictures that help filmmakers visualize their movie before it is shot on film or video.  They also work with animators to bring characters and scenes to life. And they often

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An artist painting on an easel and he is frustrated

Why Cant I draw Anymore? Feeling Embarrassed and Frustrated Now!

You used to draw well, but now you can’t seem to make anything look good. You’re frustrated because you don’t know why your skills have suddenly disappeared. Do you keep asking Why I can’t draw anymore? You suddenly can’t draw as well as you used to for several reasons. Maybe you haven’t been practicing enough,

Why Cant I draw Anymore? Feeling Embarrassed and Frustrated Now! Read More »

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