A girl drawing and painting on a canvas from her memory

What are the Benefits you Achieve by Drawing From Memory?

Every artist needs to draw from their memory. And the more you draw, the better you get. Drawing from your memory is a skill that can be learned and honed with practice.

Drawing from memory has been around for centuries, used by renowned artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

Drawing from memory is important because it helps you remember the things you see better. It also helps to improve your cognitive abilities and allows you to communicate your ideas more effectively.

The most common challenge people have is when they’re unsure where to start, but drawing from memory can be done in several ways, which we shall go through.

What is Drawing from Memory?

Drawing from memory is visually recalling a past event, scene, or experience and then recreating it through drawing.

Some can do it accurately, while others may only remember certain aspects of what they saw.

Being able to retrieve information from memory and transform it into a visual representation is a highly useful aptitude in various contexts.

Benefits of Drawing From Memory?

There are several benefits to drawing from memory. First, it can help boost your memory performance. Studies have shown that people who regularly draw from memory recall information more than others who don’t.

It may be due to the several cognitive functions engaged when drawing from memory. In addition, encoding strategies tend to be more effective when people use verbal and visual means to remember information. So, by pulling from memory, you are utilizing both your verbal and visual memory codes.

Let’s get into more detail on this.

Deeper Comprehension of Concepts

Drawing from memory allows us to encode the information in a more meaningful way. We are attaching it to visual images and memories that we already have stored in our minds.

This visualization can help us better understand and remember the information we are trying to learn. Additionally, drawing from memory can help us better understand complex concepts by breaking them into more manageable pieces.

Improved Memory Performance

Drawing from memory can also help to improve our memory performance. Studies have shown that individuals who draw from memory are likelier to remember the information than those who do not.

The retention is because we use multiple modalities (visual, kinesthetic, and semantic) to encode the information when we draw from memory.

This multiple encoding is more effective and leads to improved memory performance.

A Boost to Students’ Learning

Drawing from memory can also be a boost to students’ learning. In one study, students who drew from memory while they were studying had better recall of the information than those who did not draw.

It is likely because drawing from memory helps us encode the information better.

Drawing from memory can help us connect the information to prior knowledge and understanding, improving comprehension and recall.

Improved Focus and Concentration

Drawing from memory can improve focus and concentration by helping the individual encode the information more effectively. A

An artist needs to recall several things like an object’s position, color, size, and shading while drawing it from memory.

Drawing can help keep the individual engaged in the task, leading to better focus and concentration.

Process of Drawing from Memory

You can summarize the process of drawing from memory in 4 main steps:

Identify the Source of the Memory

It involves recalling where you saw the scene or object you want to draw from memory.

You would have seen something in childhood or when traveling on a train. It can be anything, and you need to close your eyes visualize it, and try to remember as much detail as possible.

Bring Back the Memory in your Mind

Now it is time to start recreating the scene or object on paper or canvas. You have to ensure that all the essential bits and pieces you want to include in the drawing are there. The better you can visualize it, the better will be the drawing.

What were the different objects in the scene, their size, color, orientation, etc.? All these details matter and will help you in drawing a better picture.

Start Drawing

Once you have all the details in place, it is time to start drawing. Start with the basic outline of the scene or object and then fill in the details. Always remember to take your own time and not rush through the drawing.

You may not get it in the first instance. You may be confused about the object, whether it is a boy or a girl or something like that. If you cannot conclude, draw something that your instinct tells you.

By repeating this process, you will get better at it and easily draw from memory.

Add the Finishing Touches

The final step is the finishing touches to your drawing. The finishing touches include adding shadows and highlights to give it a realistic look. You can also add some textured effects to make it more interesting.

There are certain things that you need to keep in mind to draw from your memory.

Tips for Improving Your Ability to Draw From Memory

There are a few different things listed below that can help you can do to improve your ability to draw from memory.

  • Try sketching what you see in your mind’s eye
  • Close your eyes and try to visualize the thing that you are trying to remember
  • Draw what you think the object looks like, even if it’s not exactly right
  • Please take a picture of the object in your mind and draw it from that image
  • Draw the object multiple times to help commit it to memory
  • Create a story or narrative around the thing that you are trying to remember
  • Draw a map or diagram of the object to help retain its spatial relationship to other things
  • Try to draw the object from different perspectives
  • Use different mediums to draw the object, such as charcoal, pen, and ink, or paint
  • Practice, practice, practice!


There are many benefits to drawing concepts and ideas from memory. When you can deeply comprehend a concept, it becomes easier to remember, and you can focus better on the task.

With improved memory performance, you may find your learning efficiency and retention power have drastically enhanced. Additionally, regularly practicing drawing from memory can help improve your focus and concentration span.

If you want to improve your memory drawing, start by practicing regularly and challenging yourself with a new picture daily.

Soon enough, you can apply your newly learned skills in all aspects of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is it Possible to Draw From Memory?

    With dedication and practice, it’s entirely possible to draw from memory. This involves drawing an image or subject without the assistance of any reference material, only by reaching into your brain for recall. To improve this skill, you can try memorization exercises to help you sharpen and refine your ability to recreate a scene on paper or canvas with nothing more than your imagination.

  2. Why is Memory Drawing Important?

    Memory drawing is a beneficial tool for improving information recall and retention. Creating a visual representation of the data helps you organize complex ideas in your brain for easy retrieval later. Drawing out the details can help cement them into memory so they are never forgotten.

  3. How do you start a Memory Drawing?

    Pick an item or landscape you’d like to draw to create a successful memory drawing. Start sketching out the object’s main shapes, focusing on its general structure as you go along. Then dedicate several minutes to studying and engraving the details into your mind. Gradually add further particulars and perfect your strokes until you’ve finished the drawing; remember that memory drawing takes time and practice.

  4. What is Subconscious Drawing?

    Drawing without thought or control is a process known as a subconscious drawing that permits your innermost feelings and ideas to be uncovered through art. By relinquishing conscious control, the outcome can lead to unexpected insight into repressed emotions or creative thinking. This one-of-a-kind technique may open up surprising possibilities for personal growth and development.

  5. Is Drawing From Memory Good?

    Utilizing your inner vision can be advantageous as it facilitates a more thorough topic comprehension. Nevertheless, you should incorporate external resources and observation to guarantee precision and focus on minutiae.

  6. What is a Memory Drawing Test?

    A memory drawing test is an excellent measure of someone’s capability of retaining and reproducing visual information. This system includes displaying a photo or graphic briefly, then prompting the individual to replicate it as accurately as attainable on blank paper. Memory drawings are often applied in cognitive psychology experiments and specific medical procedures to evaluate recollection capacity and image discernment skills.

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