a pencil on a sketcbook drawing some sketches

Why Do Artists Keep Sketchbooks?

You would have seen many artists with small books and pencils in their hands, constantly sketching things around them. You might have wondered why artists always keep sketchbooks with them.

Artists keep sketchbooks to practice their art, jot down quick sketches and impressions which inspire them, brainstorm an art project, experiment with new techniques, and document ideas. It is a visual journal where they can track their progress and refer back whenever required. 

Sketchbooks are an essential tool for artists. Many artists find that having a dedicated sketchbook helps them focus and be more productive.

I keep a sketchbook because it’s my space to experiment and play. It’s where I can be reckless in my drawings and not worry about making mistakes. I also use it to track my skill progress, noting which techniques and mediums I’m using more or less. Lastly, I enjoy what I am doing.

Let’s also check some critical reasons on

Why do artists keep sketchbooks?

Brainstorm Ideas for Sketches

Many artists keep sketchbooks not only to record their ideas but also to create new ones. New thoughts can be exploring different mediums and techniques, trying out new color composition schemes, or playing with concepts.

When brainstorming their ideas, they can experiment without fear of failure. The sketchbook is a personal space; the artist has no rules or restrictions, and their imaginations can run wild.

This type of freedom can be beneficial when working on larger projects or requiring a high level of creativity.

Quick Sketches and Impressions

The second reason artists keep sketchbooks is to make quick drawings of things around them that inspire them. These may be people they see, animals, landscapes, objects, or anything else that catches their eye.

Firstly, it lets the artist quickly capture the subject’s essence without getting bogged down in details. Secondly, it trains the artist’s brain to see the world around them in shapes, shadows, and colors.

Over time, this can help the artist develop a better eye for composition and color.

Also, these sketches can be valuable references for later projects.

Documenting Creative Ideas

Sketchbooks help keep track of progress on a project, brainstorm new concepts, and refer back to old ones.

Documenting ideas can take many forms, from simple written descriptions to more detailed drawings. Documenting is helpful when working on a project that requires a lot of planning or brainstorming.

What you started as a concept might not be what you finally end up with. By documenting your ideas, you can track how your project has evolved and changed over time.

It can be a valuable reference for future projects.

Practice Drawing Everyday

Any artist will tell you that practice makes art perfect, and one of the best ways to practice your craft is to keep a sketchbook.

It is a place you let the creative juices flow. You use it as a place for daily practicing your drawing. That doesn’t necessarily mean you must draw complex subjects or spend hours practicing.

Taking a few minutes to do some quick sketches can also help you improve your skills.

It is a great way to record your progress over time and see how far you have traveled in your art journey.

Refer Back to Your Sketches

Once you have filled up your sketchbook, it can be helpful to look back through it from time to time which helps you track your progress, see which techniques you are using more or less, and get inspired for new ideas.

You may also find that some of the artwork you thought was not so great at the time has improved with age.

Some of the sketches you thought were great may not be so impressive now.

All of this is part of the learning process, and it can be helpful to see how your taste and style have changed over time.

Capturing Thoughts Before they Disappear

Thoughts flash through our minds, but they can be gone instantly if we don’t capture them.

This is where a sketchbook can be handy. If you have an idea to create a painting or drawing, jot it down in your sketchbook before it disappears.

You can flesh out the details later, but you will have the core idea captured at least.

You can keep track of ideas for future projects. You may not be ready to work on a project now, but by documenting your thoughts in a sketchbook, you can return to them later when you are ready.

Even after months or years, you will be surprised to see how many of your ideas are still relevant.

Visual Journal of an Artist’s Footprints

Artist’s sketchbook is an intimate journal of an artist’s thoughts, feelings, and impressions conveyed through visual images and words.

It is a way for artists to record their surroundings, explore their creativity, and document the process. The pages in the sketchbook are not just pencil marks or ink marks but their innermost thoughts and feelings.

It can also be a place for experimentation, for trying out new mediums, techniques, and concepts.

It is a place where mistakes are boldly made and learned. It is where an artist’s everyday inspiration gets recorded; otherwise, it will be forgotten.

A sketchbook is the artist’s footprint, leading the way to their subsequent great work of art.

Simple Medium to Practice Art Anytime Anywhere

A sketchbook is a portable training ground where an artist can practice his craft anytime and anywhere.

If he travels on a train, he can whip out his sketchbook and draw the scenes outside the window.

She can people-watch and sketch the guests if she is at a party.

The sketchbook goes everywhere with the artist, providing a space to record ideas, inspiration, and impressions.

It is an inexpensive way to practice art and a great way to improve skills.

Experiment with Different Art Mediums

A sketchbook is essential for trying out new ideas and experimenting with different mediums for artists.

It is where he can explore without the pressure of creating a finished piece.

Working in your sketchbook can help jump-start your creativity if you are stuck.

There are no rules in a sketchbook, and you and play around with different techniques and mediums, and there is nothing to worry about making mistakes.

It is no big deal if you make a mistake; you can turn the page and start again.

Worst, you can tear off the page and start over.

But the best thing is, sometimes those “mistakes” can lead to new and exciting discoveries.

If you are ever feeling discouraged, looking back through your old sketchbooks can be a great way to boost your confidence.


Artists have long used sketchbooks to record their thoughts and ideas.

There are many benefits to keeping a sketchbook, from brainstorming new ideas to practicing your drawing skills.

You can use a sketchbook anywhere, at any time, making it the perfect medium for capturing creative thoughts before they disappear.

Start using a sketchbook today and see how you can improve your artistry.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often should I work on my sketchbook?

    Some artists work in their sketchbooks daily, while others only work in them when they feel inspired. The important thing is to make sure you regularly use your sketchbook to become a habit. Also, practicing regularly will improve your drawing skill.

  2. Do I need to finish every sketch?

    You don’t need to finish every sketch. It’s often more helpful to stop in the middle of a drawing and come back to it later. This way, you can see how your skills have progressed over time. But it is advisable before going to your following sketch to finish the earlier one to remember what you thought when you started it. Else, you will have a lot of unfinished drawings in your sketchbook.

  3. What size should my sketchbook be?

    It depends on your personal preference. Some artists prefer small sketchbooks they can carry around everywhere, while others prefer larger ones to have more space.

  4. Do Digital Artists use Sketchbooks?

    Even digital artists use sketchbooks! Many artists sketch their ideas in a traditional sketchbook before transferring them to their computers. Thus allowing them to experiment with different mediums and feel the overall composition before they start working on the final piece.

  5. Can I use my sketchbook for other things besides drawing?

    You can use your sketchbook for anything you want. Some people use them as a journal, while others write ideas for future projects. You can even use your sketchbook as a scrapbook and glue in things like ticket stubs or leaves.

  6. Do I need to buy a particular type of sketchbook?

    No, you don’t need to buy a particular type of sketchbook. Any notebook or journal will work. However, some sketchbooks are specifically designed for artists and contain features like blank pages or perforated edges.

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